Advanced Research Techniques Courses

Classes and training to improve your research skills

The Law Library research librarians offer 1-credit Advanced Research courses on U.S. and International Law. Both courses introduce students to print and electronic research sources, including both free and commercial web sites, databases, and other sources of law-related information. They are designed to help you perform research more efficiently through the quick employment of appropriate research strategies and rapid identification of the sources needed to locate documents produced by public and private entities. During each 4-week course, the research librarian instructors present ten hours of lecture/demonstration. Students complete four short-answer research projects (approximately 8 hours each) that they work on individually.

Advanced Research Techniques I: United States Law (offered in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters) focuses on researching legal secondary sources, proposed and enacted legislation and agency regulations, legislative and administrative history, agency decisions and other documents prepared by administrative agencies, court decisions, and topical websites.

Advanced Research Techniques II: International Law (offered in the Fall semester) introduces students to a variety of foreign and international legal research sources and methods. Students will learn how to efficiently research secondary and business information, treaties and other international agreements, foreign and European Union law, and United Nations documents. ART I is not a prerequisite for ART II.