Say Hello to MyLaw

About MyLaw

William & Mary Law School has implemented a new system for communicating law school news, announcements, events, etc. to law students. The system is called "MyLaw" and can be found at MyLaw will do many more things besides communicating about news, etc. It also offers a "course management" function, where professors can post documents like syllabi for their students. It lets law school departments, like our Office of Career Services, post materials relevant for students seeking jobs.

The key reason we acquired MyLaw is that it allows faculty and staff to target particular student groups to receive announcements in a more fine-grained way than has been possible just using our previous method: email. It also gives a good deal of control to students to filter in or out announcements and messages that they have a particular interest in receiving (or not receiving). The goal is to reduce the number of messages that go out to students from what we've been doing in the past, and hence to ensure that those messages that do go out in the future are timely, important, and not overwhelming in quantity.

The system is new for us; we're implementing over the summer of 2012, and plan for it to go live on or about  August 15th, in time for the fall, 2012, semester.

Here's an example of what a MyLaw home page looks like:

MyLaw screenshot


Like any major software implementation, the MyLaw implementation will undoubtedly have occasional glitches and bugs and hence will  need tweaking and correcting for some time to come. We ask that our students be reasonably tolerant this academic year, and work with the administration to make the best use possible of the new MyLaw system.