Student Bar Association Members

The Board

The SBA Board convenes, reports, deliberates, and votes every week to conduct its decision-making process. The Board is made up of twelve members: four executive board members, two 3L and two 2L class representatives, three 1L class representatives, and one LL.M. class representative.

Each of these members is elected through a process organized and overseen by the Honor Council. The entire student body votes in February to elect the executive board members from the rising 3L and 2L classes; 3L and 2L class representatives are elected during the same election process. 1L and LL.M. representative elections take place in September. 

Appointed Members

SBA Board Members appoint (after February elections) a number of representatives to six positions; these appointed members provide specific opportunities to students, aid the SBA and other student organizations, and provide a connection point between the SBA and other student government organizations such as the Student Assembly and Grad Council.