William & Mary Law E-News
William & Mary Law School
Marshall-Wythe E-News
May 2014
Justices Kennedy and Goldstone Discuss Constitutions
W&M law students recently learned about constitutions from two pre-eminent jurists--Justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court and the Honorable Richard Goldstone, a former justice of South Africa's Constitutional Court.  Read more.

Class of 2014 Sets Record With 89% Gift Participation

The Class's generosity came at a cost to Dean Douglas. After they achieved the 75% participation mark, he, as promised, shaved his mustache in the lobby before a spirited crowd. Watch the video. Read more. 

Alumni Reunions Bring Fun and Fundraising

Nine classes gathered to celebrate their bonds as Marshall-Wythe alumni on April 10-11. They contributed more than $3.2 million in class gifts, and the Class of 1974 won the inaugural Red-Hot Reveley Award for outstanding participation. Watch the slideshow. Read more.

Women Serve as Editors-in-Chief of All Five Law Journals

In 2012, the Law School celebrated the 75th anniversary of the graduation of its first female student, Virginia Mister '37. This month there is another first for women among Class of 2014 graduates: all five outgoing editors-in-chief of the Law School's journals are female. Read more.

Veterans Clinic Hosts National Gathering in Washington

The Lewis B. Puller, Jr. Veterans Benefits Clinic hosted the first "National Conference on Law Clinics Serving Veterans" in April to share best practices with legal educators and lawyers from around the country. Read more.

Jenkins '09 Clerks for Constitutional Court of South Africa

Genevieve Jenkins' interests have taken her many places -- from Montreal, to Williamsburg, to London, then to San Francisco. Recently, she began a clerkship in South Africa. She acknowledges the myriad opportunities at the Law School that made this possible. Read more.

Three Members of the Faculty Receive Plumeri Awards 

Three members of the William & Mary Law School faculty--James G. Dwyer, Michael S. Green, and Tara Leigh Grove--have received Plumeri Awards for Faculty Excellence this year. Read more.

Bellin's "eHearsay" Exception Considered by Federal Committee    

The Federal Advisory Committee on the Rules of Evidence recently invited Professor Jeffrey Bellin to present a proposal drawn from his most recent article, "eHearsay," (SSRN). Read more.

Michael A. Berger of Manatt to Receive 2014 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize

He is the first practicing lawyer to receive the prize from the William & Mary Property Rights Project and is widely considered to be among the nation's best takings lawyers. Berger will be honored during the Project's 11th annual conference on Oct. 30-31. Read more.

Kaufman & Canoles Recognizes First-Year Students for Legal Writing   

Three 1L students -- Kalina Hillard Parker '16, Rachel Strubel '16, and Tyler Chriscoe '16 -- were recently announced as winners of the 2014 Kaufman & Canoles Writing Prize. Read more.

"Wythepedia" Makes Digital Debut at Law School   

William & Mary's Wolf Law Library has launched "Wythepedia," an online encyclopedia created to honor William & Mary's -- and the nation's -- first law professor, George Wythe. Read more.

Your Gift Counts

The end of the fiscal year is approaching. Please make your gift before June 30. Your financial support of Marshall-Wythe makes a difference in the life of your alma mater and will help support our clinics, student organizations, and much more. Click here to visit our secure website to make your gift now.

Become an Alumni Ambassador!

We are looking for alumni to help with our admission efforts. Volunteer duties may include answering questions by phone from prospective or admitted students, or staffing a table at a recruitment event. Learn more.

How Career Services Can Help Alumni & How You Can List Job Openings or Schedule Interviews

 Are you looking for a job?  The Office of Career Services gladly assists alumni who are seeking employment or new career opportunities. Learn more.


Are you hiring?  We'd welcome hearing from you if you'd like to schedule interviews on campus, via Skype or videoconference, or at off-campus interview programs; request resume collection; or list positions to which students and/or alumni can apply. Learn more.

Lederer & Posey Alumni - Where Are You?   

Professor Fred Lederer asks all Lederer & Posey alumni from the Legal Skills Program to e-mail him a brief summary of what you're doing now (and to let him know if you've changed your address or contact information). Responses to ledererandposey@wm.edu would be appreciated.

Have You Changed Your Work or Home Address?

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The Marshall-Wythe E-News
is published by William & Mary Law School, P.O. Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795.

Office of Communications

Director: Jaime Welch-Donahue 

Assistant Director: David F. Morrill   


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