Chancellor Gates to Speak at Law School Diploma Ceremony
William & Mary Chancellor Robert M. Gates '65, L.H.D. '98 will speak at William & Mary Law School's diploma ceremony, scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 17 at Lake Matoaka Amphitheater. Read more.
Reunions Commit to Excellence Through Class Gifts
Ten reunion classes returned to campus for a fun and festive Reunion Weekend, and, as of the evening of April 18, had raised a total of $1.975 million in gifts and multi-year pledges. See which class took the second annual Red-Hot Reveley Award! Read more.
Class of 2015 Breaks Class Gift Participation Record
The Law School's Class of 2015 wound up its Class Gift efforts in April with a record-breaking 92 percent participation rate. The previous record was 90 percent, held by the Class of 2014. Find out how the class celebrated on the last day of classes. Read more.
Celebrating Faculty
We invite you to take a look at videos celebrating the lives and contributions of two long-time members of our community who are retiring: Professor Jayne Barnard and Professor John Lee.
Judge Conyers, J.D. '92 to Receive 2015 Prentis Award
Judge Cressondra "Sandy" Conyers, J.D. '92 will be rewarded May 20 when she is honored with the Prentis Award recognizing her strong civic engagement and support of William & Mary. Read more.
W&M Property Rights Project to Honor Singer
Joseph William Singer of Harvard Law School will be honored with the Project's 2015 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize during the 12th annual property rights conference on Oct. 1-2 at the Law School. Read more.
Ali's Run Raises More than $7,500 for Bone Marrow Drive
On April 11, the Law School held the 11th annual Ali's Run 5k, which saw 125 people running or walking to raise money for the bone marrow drive. Read more.
W&M Wins Legal Food Frenzy Cup for Second Year in a Row
Once again, William & Mary Law School will take home the Attorney General's Cup for law school giving after the Law School community participated in the annual "Legal Food Frenzy." Read more.
Your Gift Counts
Your financial support of Marshall-Wythe makes a difference every day for our students and faculty. Please remember you can designate that your gift be used wherever the need is greatest or to support a specific program, organization, journal, or clinic. Please visit our secure website to make your gift to the Law School before June 30.
The Wolf Law Library: Now on Facebook
With more than 400,000 volumes and 568 seats, the Wolf Law Library at W&M Law School offers a superb environment for study, research, and relaxation. Visit the Library's new Facebook page, like it, and keep in touch!
How Career Services Can Help Alumni & How You Can List Job Openings or Schedule Interviews
Are you looking for a job? The Office of Career Services gladly assists alumni who are seeking employment or new career opportunities. Learn more.
Are you hiring? We'd welcome hearing from you if you'd like to schedule interviews on campus, via Skype or videoconference, or at off-campus interview programs; request resume collection; or list positions to which students and/or alumni can apply. Learn more.
The Marshall-Wythe E-News
is published by William & Mary Law School, P.O. Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795.