Marshall-Wythe E-News
December 21, 2018
Inclusion Task Force News
Dean Davison M. Douglas has appointed Laura Heymann, Professor of Law, and Laura Shepherd, Associate Dean for Student Services, to lead an Inclusion Task Force to facilitate our continued work to ensure that the Law School is an inclusive place for individuals of all backgrounds and perspectives. The committee will make final recommendations to the Dean by June 30, 2019.

Visit the Inclusion Task Force website
W&M Law School Grads Achieve 92.77% Bar Passage in 21 Jurisdictions

In results from 21 jurisdictions for July bar exams: there was a 100% pass rate in 14 jurisdictions in which 2 or more W&M Law graduates sat for the exam; there was a 100% pass rate in 5 jurisdictions in which a W&M Law graduate sat for the exam; there was an 86.76% bar pass rate for 83 W&M Law graduates who sat for the exam in Virginia; and there was an 80% bar pass rate for 5 W&M Law graduates who sat for the exam in California.

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Class of 2018 Enjoying Strong Employment Numbers

Seven months after they graduated, members of the Law School's Class of 2018 are securing jobs in everything from Big Law to judicial clerkships to government and public service.

Office of Career Services Welcomes Your Help
As we head into the new year, some of W&M's newest JDs continue to seek jobs in 11 states: CO, CT, DC, FL, IL, MA, NY, TN, TX, VT and VA.

If you're hiring for an entry-level position (or know someone who might be), please contact Ramona Sein J.D. '97 at and she will send the Class of 2018 Resume Book, a compilation of the new graduates' resumes.
international workshop_ CLCT 2018
CLCT Welcomes International Scholars and Experts for 2018 Workshop on Emerging Technologies

On October 26 & 27, the Center for Legal and Court Technology hosted its 2018 International Workshop: "Legal Issues Lurking Behind the Convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain." The workshop was made possible through the generosity of CISCO Systems, Inc.

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CLS_PCP fall 2018 conference participants
Women in the Field: Symposium Highlights Role of Women in Building Post-War Constitutions Around the World

A recent symposium hosted by the Center for Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, made possible in part by generous funding from the Reves Center for International Studies at William & Mary, highlighted the substantive constitutional work women have been doing for decades in countries recovering from conflict.

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How You Can Support the Public Service Fund's Annual Auction in February

The Public Service Fund (PSF) will hosts its annual Auction on February 16. The Auction is PSF's largest event of the year, and all proceeds go towards providing stipends that allow law students to work in unpaid summer public service internships. The Auction's success depends on generous donations from alumni and other friends like you! If you are interested in donating an item, service, or experience, please contact PSF at Past donations for the Auction have included paintings, Washington Wizards tickets, and networking lunches and dinners. You can also contribute to the Auction by making a monetary donation via the Auction website.
If you are interested in receiving emails from the Auction Co-Chairs about online bidding in February, please contact us at  PSF extends its thanks for your support and sends you best wishes for the new year!
members_ 2018-19 moot court team
Competition Teams Cap off 2018 with Success

Our four competition teams help students hone crucial lawyering skills while working collaboratively. And they love to compete, as their hard work over the past few months can attest.

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alumni panel from 2018 Diversity _ Inclusion Law Day
Law School Hosts Program as Part of LSAC  "Diversity Matters" Initiatives

We recently welcomed more than 60 college students and others interested in learning about legal education and the J.D. program to "Diversity & Inclusion Law Day." Hosted by the Office of Admission, the program was co-sponsored by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). Our diversity outreach and pipeline programs in prior years have included LSAC's "Discover Law," the Black Law Students Association's Law Day, and other events.

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More information will be available on our events page after January 2.
January 8 - Institute of Bill of Rights Law: Lecture by Professor Paul M. Smith, Georgetown University Law Center
January 24 - Koch Administrative Law Forum, in honor of the late Professor Charles H. Koch, Jr.
January 30 - Pittsburgh Law Alumni Reception

February 11 - Institute of Bill of Rights Law: Dunn Lecture by attorney Caitlin Hall

February 13 - San Francisco Law Alumni Breakfast

February 16 - Public Service Fund Auction

February 21 - Center for the Study of Law and Markets: Lecture by Professor Molly Brady, University of Virginia, "Markets and the Evolution of Property Law"

February 22 & 23 - William & Mary Law Review Volume 60 Symposium

April 12 & 13 - SAVE THE DATES for Law Alumni Weekend 2019! 
Tribefunding for Dean Jackson Flag Memorial Reaches 101% of Goal

Thanks to the generosity of alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends, the Tribefunding effort exceeded its goal of raising $20,000 by December 7 with time left on the clock!  The Flag Memorial in honor of the late Dean Lizbeth Jackson will soon be a reality thanks to the Tribefunding effort, led by Kevin McCandlish J.D. '18 and 3L Curtiss Boggs, and to the many other gifts made to support the memorial throughout the past year. We look forward to sharing more information as the project goes forward!

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Loan Repayment Assistance Program Deadline: January 24, 2019 (5 p.m. EST)
The Law School's Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) assists graduates who work full-time for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, legal aid offices, prosecutors, public defenders, government agencies, JAG Corps, and legislative offices. Some organizations outside the U.S. also qualify. Click here for details, instructions for accessing the LRAP application, and information about other loan repayment programs. The deadline to apply is January 24, 2019, at 5 p.m. EST.

Support for LRAP is provided through the generosity of The John Levy Loan Repayment Fund; The Ernest W. Goodrich Law Public Service Endowment; The Richard and Laurie Bellinger Loan Repayment Assistance Endowment; The R. William Arthur Loan Repayment Assistance Endowment; The Gregory A. Presnell Loan Repayment Assistance Fund; and The William & Mary Public Service Fund. 
We Welcome Your Year-End Gift to the Law School Annual Fund
America's first law school was founded 239 years ago. Many things have changed over the decades and centuries but not our commitment to educating the nation's finest lawyers. Gifts from alumni and friends help us to deliver on our mission of creating the next generation of citizen lawyers. Private support is increasingly important to providing high quality legal training. If you have not made a gift yet, we hope you will consider making a tax-deductible gift to the Law School Annual Fund by December 31.

To make a gift online, please go to Give Now.

You may mail your gift to:    
Office of Development and Alumni Affairs
William & Mary Law School
P.O. Box 3527
Williamsburg, VA 23187-3527

To phone in your gift: call (757)221-3795 (M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm) 
If you wish to make a stock gift this calendar year, please contact the Law School as soon as possible.
Faculty in the News

Our faculty experts have been busy! They have been quoted in stories in The Washington Post and in news outlets across Virginia. They've been heard on NPR's "Morning Edition" and Bloomberg Radio. The New York Times and The Atlantic have cited their scholarship, and The Hill and the Virginian-Pilot have published their columns.

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William & Mary Law School | 
Published by the Office of Communications