Marshall-Wythe E-News March 2018
William & Mary Honors Edward Augustus Travis B.C.L. '54, First African-American Graduate
Edwadine Travis Whitehead, President Taylor Reveley, and Dean Davison M. Douglas unveiled a portrait of Mr. Travis on February 23 at the Law School during the second African-American Law Alumni Celebration. Mr. Travis was the first African-American student to graduate from the university and Law School.
Law School Hosts Second African-American Law Alumni Celebration
The event on February 23 & 24 offered a chance for the Law School to welcome graduates back to campus and to celebrate the contributions of African-American alumni and students to the William & Mary community and the legal profession.
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Liberal Arts Innovator to Lead William & Mary
The Board of Visitors on February 20 unanimously elected Katherine A. Rowe, currently provost of Smith College and a leader in digital innovation of the liberal arts, as the 28th president of the university. President Taylor Reveley, former dean of the Law School, will retire on June 30 after two decades of service to the university.
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Events Promote Discussion of Free Speech on Campus
A conference and an interactive panel were among recent events held at the university to discuss the First Amendment and free speech on public college and university campuses.
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Bill Bray: The 3L with the 95 MPH Fastball
On this episode of the Office Hours podcast, 3L Bill Bray talks to Professor Jeff Bellin and classmate Michaela Lieberman about how six years pitching for the Cincinnati Reds and Washington Nationals prepared him for law school.
Alumni, Please help us promote the Law School's podcast by becoming a listener and sharing it on social media. If you have a personal Soundcloud page, please like and share our posts!
In Memoriam: Dean Lizbeth A.S. Jackson
Lizbeth A.S. Jackson, our Associate Dean for Administration and a member of the William & Mary community for 27 years, passed away on February 27. A memorial service will take place at 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 17, at the Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, 215 Richmond Road. If you would like to share a remembrance about Dean Jackson on our website, please email it to
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Click the dates for more information or for details about registration (if required)
March 16 & 17 : Another Day at the Breach: Cyber Intrusion, A Conference of Experts (registration is free for all alumni!)
March 16-17:
BORJ Symposium: Rights Protection in International Criminal Law and Beyond
March 19: SEC Commissioner Michael S. Piwowar, Current Issues in Securities Regulation
March 26: Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, Dunn Civil Liberties Project Guest Lecture
March 29: Law Alumni Reception, Southside Hampton Roads
April 2: Professor Julia D. Mahoney, Center for the Study of Law and Markets Guest Lecture
April 3: The Hon. Pierre N. Leval, Stanley H. Mervis J.D. '50 Lecture in Intellectual Property
April 7: 14th Annual Ali's 5K Run/Walk in memory of Ali Kaplan
April 11: Professor Geoffrey Stone, Dunn Civil Liberties Project Guest Lecture
April 13 & 14: Alumni Weekend, Reunion Dinners, and more!
Save the Dates!
June 6 & 7: Law Alumni Receptions DC & NOVA
Alumni Weekend is April 13 & 14!
Come join us! Festivities include the dedication of the Marshall-Wythe Giving Wall, the unveiling of a portrait of Professor Emeritus Jayne Barnard, a Moot Court alumni breakfast reception, reunion dinners for the classes of 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988,1993, 1998, 2003, 2008 & 2013 ... and much more!
Class Notes
Moved to a new firm or position recently? Have news about a milestone in your life that you'd like to share? Let us know what you are doing so we can pass the good news along to your friends and fellow alumni!
How Career Services Can Help Alumni & How You Can List Openings or Schedule Interviews
Are you hiring? We'd welcome hearing from you if you'd like to schedule interviews on campus, via Skype or videoconference, or at off-campus interview programs; request resume collection; or list positions to which students and/or alumni can apply. Read more
Are you looking for a job? The Office of Career Services gladly assists alumni who are seeking employment or new career opportunities. Read more