Marshall-Wythe E-News
November 20, 2018   
Dean Appoints Inclusion Task Force

Dean Davison M. Douglas is appointing a group of students, faculty, staff and alumni to serve on a new Inclusion Task Force. The Task Force will make final recommendations to the Dean by June 30, 2019, for best practices for ensuring a diverse, inclusive, and equitable law school.

Students Host Vigil for Those Slain in Pittsburgh and Kentucky

On November 2, about 200 students, faculty and staff gathered in a circle on the front lawn of the Law School to light candles in memory of the 13 people slain in Pittsburgh and in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, and to express hope in the power of unity to combat hate.

Annual Thanksgiving Basket Competition Brings Caring and Creativity to Help Those in Need

First-year W&M law students touch many lives in the community through the 18th annual Thanksgiving Basket Competition, sponsored by the Black Law Students Association.

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Clinic News

There is so much happening in our nine clinics and in our Virginia Coastal Policy Center. If you haven't seen our fall newsletter yet, please take a peek!

Read our fall newsletter
Law School Celebrates Generosity of Class of 1983

Class members contributed more than $5.2 million on the occasion of their 35th Reunion last spring-the highest amount ever raised by a reunion class. There was a central place in the Wolf Law Library, its staircase, that was in want of a name, and, on November 9, the Law School celebrated the dedication of the Class of 1983 Staircase.

Recent Events

Our institutes and programs host dozens of wonderful events each year. Here is a sampling of some of the conferences held here this fall.

Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Celebrates 15 years at William & Mary

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Art and Cultural Heritage Law Society and Center for Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding Co-Host First Symposium

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Human Security Law Center Holds Symposium on Gender Equality in Elections

Virginia Coastal Policy Center Conference Highlights Collaboration and Governor's Executive Order to Address Resilience to Sea Level Rise

Professor Tim Zick and Judge David J. Novak Honored

The Board of Visitors recently approved the appointment of Timothy Zick to The John Marshall Professorship of Government and Citizenship, the oldest endowed chair at the Law School and one of the oldest professorships of constitutional law in the country.  Read more.

The Law School honored J udge David J. Novak with the 2018- 19 St. George Tucker Adjunct Professorship Award. The annual award recognizes an outstanding member of the Law School's adjunct faculty for service on behalf of students, and is selected by nomination from the Law School community.   Read more.
Join the Tribefunding Drive to Raise Funds for the Dean Jackson Flag Memorial

We are Tribefunding through December 7 to raise the rest of the money needed to create a lighted flag and seating plaza outside the Hixon Center in honor of the late Dean Lizabeth Jackson. If you haven't already given, please consider doing so. For those who already have given, thank you!

Give now via Tribefunding

Watch the videos as faculty and students involved in the Puller Veterans Benefits Clinic and the Military and Veterans Law Society talk about why a law school that values and supports veterans needs a flagpole!
November 29 - Online Networking Hour

January 30 - Pittsburgh Law Alumni Reception

April 12-13 - Law Alumni Weekend 2019!
Loan Repayment Assistance Program Deadline: January 24, 2019 (5 PM EST)

The Law School's Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) assists graduates who work full-time for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, legal aid offices, prosecutors, public defenders, government agencies, JAG Corps, and legislative offices. Some organizations outside the U.S. also qualify. Click here for details, instructions for accessing the LRAP application, and information about other loan repayment programs. The deadline to apply is January 24, 2019, at 5 p.m. EST. 
Support the Public Service Fund's 2019 Auction

If you would like to support students who will work in unpaid public service positions next summer, you can contribute to the Public Service Fund by making a monetary donation or by donating an item, service, or experience to PSF's Auction, which will take place in February 2019. If you have any questions about the Auction, or want to learn more about how you can support PSF, please email Please also keep any eye out for information about online bidding for the auction in January and February. Thank you for your continued support of PSF and happy Thanksgiving! 
Office of Career Services

Thanks for Hiring Our Recent Graduates: This Thanksgiving, the Office of Career Services is especially thankful for alumni who have helped and hired recent graduates from our Class of 2018 Resume Book; a compilation of resumes from W&M's newest JDs seeking jobs in 12 states - Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia. If you're hiring (or know employers hiring) for entry-level positions, please let Ramona Sein ('97) know and she will forward the Class of 2018 Resume Book.
William & Mary Law School | 
Published by the Office of Communications