Faculty Fellows

Alan J. Meese
Ball Professor of Law
Areas of Specialization: Antitrust Law; Constitutional Law; Corporations; Economic Analysis of Law; and Political Economy
Lynda L. Butler
Chancellor Professor of Law, Emerita, and Director, William & Mary Property Rights Project
Specializations: Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, Land Use and Zoning, Natural Resources Law, Property Law
Nathan B. Oman
Rollins Professor of Law
Areas of Specialization: Contract Law; Economic Analysis of Law; Jurisprudence; Law and Religion; Legal History
Sarah L. Stafford

CSX Professor of Economics and Public Policy and Chair, Department of Economics
Areas of Specialization: Economic Analysis of Law; Environmental Law; Law and Public Policy; Regulatory Reform

James Y. Stern
Professor of Law
Areas of Specialization: Property; Intellectual Property; Conflict of Laws