Guest Speakers & Events



The Future of Afghanistan





Symposium: The Future of Afghanistan | 3/25/2022

Has the international community’s fickle attention span shifted elsewhere since Kabul fell to the Taliban on August 15, 2021? Were U.S. military, diplomatic and humanitarian campaigns over the course of 20 years in Afghanistan in vain? Has Russia’s invasion of Ukraine dimmed the memory of America’s commitment to Afghans who risked their lives to assist our missions? These were a few of the difficult questions posed by members of a standing-room-only audience and online viewers who attended a symposium on “The Future of Afghanistan” at William & Mary Law School on March 25, 2022. Read more >

Rethinking Constitutions




Rethinking Constitutions When Democracy is Under Siege: A Global Perspective | 9/13/2019

Over the course of eight hours, constitutional scholars from around the world gathered to consider the role of constitutions in a range of current events happening in Europe, Asia, Latin America, West Africa and the United States. They debated whether common global trends are related and indicative of fractured global democracies – or separate and proof that democracy is alive and well, although restless. Read more >





Constitutions in the Crosshairs: Europe in 2018 | 2018

Europe, as a distinct political and economic body as well as a collection of separate states, is facing constitutional challenges from within and without. Three notable European scholars spoke at Constitutions in the Crosshairs, discussing Europe's current constitutional crossroads. Read more > 




Sudan and South Sudan: Prospects for Peace | 5/3/2017

In a riveting address attended by EUI faculty, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral fellows, Nicholas Haysom, United Nations Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan, delivered a formidable recipe of factors contributing to the decades-long Sudanese conflict. Read more >

Iraq Symposium




Symposium: The Future of Iraq | 10/8/2015

On October 8 and 9, 2015, William & Mary’s Center for Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, the Reves Center for International Studies, and the Comparative Legal Student Scholars hosted The Future of Iraq, a symposium exploring possible scenarios for Iraq’s future in light of its past and present. The symposium boasted four experts: Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker, Emma Sky, Sarhang Hamasaeed, and Zaid Al-Ali and was attended by a standing room only crowd. Read more >





Symposium Healing the Rift: Infectious Diseases in Post-Conflict Countries | 4/3/2015

The newly established Comparative Legal Studies Scholars (CLSS) successfully hosted its first full-day symposium. “Healing the Rift: Infectious Diseases in Post-Conflict Zones” focused not only on the Ebola crisis’ impact on Liberia, but also a range of other post-conflict issues.  The four keynote speakers were experts in the fields of public health, human rights, governance, and rule of law development. Read more >





Constitutions Old and New: Justice Anthony M. Kennedy and Richard Goldstone | 4/8/2014

William & Mary law students had a chance to learn about constitutions from two of the pre-eminent jurists of our time - - Justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court and the Honorable Richard Goldstone, a former justice of South Africa's Constitutional Court - - during an April 8 panel sponsored by the Program in Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (CLS/PCP). Read more >



Hussein Abu El Hawa & Dr. Mohammad Shalaldeh

Asma Afsaruddin Asma Afsaruddin
zainah Zainah Anwar
aucoin Professor Louis M. Aucoin
Islamic Jewish War Panel Professors Jacob Goodson & Chrystie Swiney
javier Javier Guillen
Haiti René Magloire, Special Advisor to Haiti’s president Rene Preval, and Professor Louis Aucoin
newton Professor Michael Newton
Albie Sachs Albie Sachs, South African Activist and Constitutional Court Justice
Ambassador David Scheffer Ambassador David Scheffer, UN Secretary General’s Special Expert on United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials
tolbert David Tolbert