The Workload Increases

About three weeks into my internship, I am starting to feel more and more like I know my role in the office. I am continuing to help the Deputy Director solve legal issues that arise. The past couple of days we've been looking into Singapore law regarding fundraising and whether we need to register or otherwise get permission to hold a gala there in August.

Most of my time now is spent working on the Annual Report. I and another volunteer have been assigned the role of editing everything that has already been written for the report, including stories about each of our country programs, and writing the parts that either haven't yet been written or need to be redone.  Earlier in the year a big effort was made to complete this project but for whatever reason it was not, and the higher-ups would like it to be completed by the end of June. So there is a lot of work to be done. It is nice to be busy, and when I think about the impact a really good report could have on the operations of IBJ and on the countries in which it operates, it is not hard to stay motivated. Hopefully the end product will be impressive for potential donors.

Other than that not too much to report. Geneva is a great city and I am really enjoying living here. The weather has been really nice and there are so many nice parks and streets to explore.