A little bit about myself

My name is Mariel Murray and I am a rising second year William & Mary law student who grew up abroad, and remain passionate about international public interest work.  Raised overseas as the daughter of diplomats, and then working in Hong Kong as an adult, I encountered people of various backgrounds, including disenfranchised people. This exposure inspired me to work for the public interest. My community service and non-profit experiences have led me to appreciate the many ways through which the average citizen can actively make a difference, and I slowly came to realize that the most effective way for me to make a difference is through the law.  I am therefore very excited to be working abroad this summer for International Bridges to Justice, a dynamic non-profit organization that seeks to provide a forum for human rights advocates worldwide.

I look forward to meeting a lot of accomplished people who have made great forays in improving people's knowledge of their legal rights and various countries' recognition of these rights.  Not to mention exploring the sights and sounds of one of the most beautiful, cosmopolitan international cities in the world!

If you are interested in learning more about my experience in Hong Kong and traveling in Asia generally, feel free to check out my blog of Asian adventures at www.marielblog.blogspot.com.  I head out to Geneva May 27th, so I'll see you all soon!