First Days Back Home

Dear Readers,

Sorry for being late on my post. I am having problems with the internet at my apartment which makes research tougher than usual. But I am having an enjoyable time editing and will start work at CCPIT on Monday. On an interesting note, my sustainability project has taken an international turn. I will update on that too.

A little behind on my research for Professor Combs, but I am very excited to use my old library tomorrow. Hopefully, my study table is still there! I thought I would talk about NYC as an international place. First off, there is the food. You can get Thai food, chicken and rice, Chinese take out, Italian, and everything else at anytime of night. Monday, my fiancée and I strolled around Little Italy and Chinatown. I lived in Soho my Junior year of undergrad; these two areas have incredible food. And is the only place where a Rolls Royce can be blinded sided by a Chinese ramen delivery truck!!! I also love Union Square. The food surrounding this place is as random as it is good. Many a summer night was spent walking around the park scavenging for food.

On to my progress. So ... I haven't started brushing up on my Mandarin. I really need to get going. I'm hoping a day at either NYU Bobst library or the Fordam Law Library will help me get out of bed.

