New York New York

Dear readers,

After a long winded 1L semester I get to head back to New York, New York. I will start work at China Trademark and Patent Inc sometime late May and finish sometime early August. Most likely the first week will be an integration into patents again. It's been a while since I have seen a patent. Hopefully I will be able to work on trademarks as well. The system for trademarks is completely different from patents. All work is international and goes through SIPO which is the Chinese version of the USPTO.  I'm also excited to work for a bunch of amazing professors this summer including an international criminal professor, Prof. Combs. I will post this experience as well.  New York City is an international capital so I'll be sure to post U.N. trips, different cultural areas in New York, as well as my favorite international embassies. I'm excited about using fordam law library and my alum libraries again. I'm sure to bump into famous international professors there (joseph weiler maybe).

