
Dear Readers,

I love being in the city that does not sleep.  Just came back from a deli; it is also around 3am.  In undergrad, I used to not sleep until 4:30am every night.  I do not think I can do that anymore.  I am getting sort of old.  So 3:30am is fine.  I do have a project I need to spend time on for Professor Butler.  I will probably try to do that until I can hear birds chirping. 

Some updates.  First I have a long term project from Professor Combs on the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission.  Basically I have to find as much as I can about the topic: journals, books, and internet sources.  This is the type of project I can really excel at.  Find and zip.  I am learning a lot about how international commissions work.  The most surprising thing I have come across is the idea of a partial award.  The Eritrea-Ethiolia Claims Commission is like an elementary school teacher confronting two disruptive (to say the very least) children.  Both “children” believe they deserve the whole thing, but rather than ruling in favor of the more correct child damages are given for each incorrect claim.  Each claim is decided individually.  Personally, I am not a fan of the method.  Someone started the fight, therefore that person should be held accountable.  But because the fight can be traced back hundreds of years it is hard to determine who started the original fight.  It is easy to reset each fight with the peace agreement afterwards and decide who starts the new fight.  I will not spend too much more time on this issue… this blog post.  You can find more information here: 

Next my work with international patents and trademarks.  First, a quick disclaimer: patents and trademarks are secretive so I can not go into great detail.  I can however tell the basic methods of patents and trademarks used internationally.  I will do a quick summary of PCT or international patents.  Imagine you invented something.  Does not matter what (not exactly true, there are certain things you can not patent or trademark).  Imagine I invented a drug to cure cancer, drug X, today.  I file for a patent application in the U.S. but how do I prevent someone in Spain from copying the drug on the Spanish market?  After I receive my U.S. patent I can file for a PCT (Paris Convention Treaty, very romantic) which will take me to the international stage.  But what if some in Spain discovers after my U.S. patent application has been filed but before my PCT can be (this happens all the time due to the rather slow process of patents)?  The first rule of patents kicks in, whoever file first (anywhere) wins.  My later PCT patent piggy backs off the filing date of the U.S patent application.  International trademarks have a similar process.

Okay.  I hope my post is not just mumble mumble.  I will try to post again soon.  Possibility tomorrow, I will update on my other research topics.  And of course on patents.

To leave off.  My office is pretty amazing.  It has a view of the statute of liberty and Madison Square Garden (future arena for Lebron James).  One Penn Plaza, seventh on my list of favorite places.  I will try to take pictures of all my favorite places. 

Fourth post,

