After going to the Panama hat factory, I wander about the city and make my way down to pre-Columbian ruins.
Catherine Wilmarth: Strengthening Ecuadorian Justice Project (Quito, Ecuador)

I'm breaking this blog up into two parts. The first is my arrival and morning in Cuenca.
I make the most of what will probably be my last jaunt down to the Old Town.
I get my hands a little dirty in the files of the provincial prosecutor's office.
On Sunday I kicked around a few of the sights of Quito.
I take a day tour out to the Northern Sierra above Quito.
The second part of my weekend in Bellavista.
This weekend I went to Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve. I have so many pictures and so much to tell that I'm splitting the trip into two posts.
This past Friday, I sat in on a workshop that the SEJP held for the management of legal services clinics.
I've spent the past two weekends seeing sights in Quito and visiting old friends in Guayaquil.
No big adventures to write about (or title this blog), but lots of little ones.
I day trip out to the great Volcano Cotopaxi near Quito.
All the free time I had during my first week in Ecuador has quickly dissipated.
After six days of kicking it in the hotel, I finally moved into what will hopefully be my new home for the next two months.
A little bit about the SEJP and the work I've done so far.
My first day at work wasn't quite what I was expecting, but I'm okay with that.
A bit of a rough start to my first few days in Ecuador, but I expected as much.
Making sure that everything is ready for my arrival in Quito.