A Quick Update on Work

It’s been a very interesting week at work.  CEDHA filed a report with the Australian OECD’s Control Point regarding an Australian mining company’s impacts on glacier areas.    It got front page coverage on the local newspaper and has been mentioned in the international news as well.   We got to go to court with one of the organization’s attorneys who was filing the initial paperwork for a case against a company that’s being accused of contaminating water within the city.  The courthouse is an absolutely beautiful building filled with marble, courtyards and stressed-looking lawyers walking around with large stacks of documents and smart phones.  CEDHA’s office is very small so all the interns only work from the office two days a week,  which means I get to pick my office the other three days a week.  I think I’m going to start working from the balcony of our apartment because it’s a huge, beautiful space.  It's been a little chilly this week but when it’s sunny, it’s definitely warm enough to sit on the balcony with a book or a laptop and get some work done.  

More to come soon on our amazing weekend in the country and our adventures in cooking!