Friends Day

For Argentina, July 20 is a day to celebrate friends, old and new.  We've seen signs and advertisements everywhere for Dia del Amigo, or Friends Day, but we didn't really understand the significance of the day until this morning.   It's not a coincidence that the holiday coincides with the anniversary of the moon landing, but I asked a coworker why that day was important to friendship.  This is the response I got (English translation below): 

porque se celebra el dia del amigo el 20 de julio

El creador de esta fiesta fue el profesor, músico y odontólogo argentino Enrique Febbraro, después de que los astronautas Neil Amstrong, Edwin Buzz Aldrin y Michael Collins llegaran a la luna un 20 de julio de 1969. Para este amigo argentino, por encima de la epopeya científica, el alunizaje debía ser también una manera de hacer nuevos amigos en otras partes de nuestro planeta. "Ese día -explicó Febbraro-, todos estuvimos pendientes de la suerte de los tres astronautas. Fuimos sus amigos y ellos, amigos del universo".( fuente: )

porque celebramos el dia del amigo?

 porque el amigo es un hermano de la familia extendida...porque no concebimos la vida sin la existencia de un amigo que nos acompañe, nos consuele, nos haga la gamba para salir, nos ayude con el estudio, nos acompañe en la soledad, se divierta con nosotros...una persona así merece un día para celebrarlo...

Why we Celebrate Friends Day on July 20th

 The creator of this celebration was the Argentinian professor, musician and dentist Enrique Febbraro, after the astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins landed on the moon on July 20, 1969.  For this Argentinian friend, above the epic science, the landing should be a way to make new friends on other parts of the planet.  “That day,” explained Febrazzo, “we were all hanging on the luck of those three astronauts.  We were there friends, and they were the friends of the universe.”  

 Why do we celebrate Friends Day? 

Because a friend is a brother for life...extended family...because we can’t conceive of a life without the existence of a friend that accompanies us, consoles us, makes us go out, helps us study, joins us in loneliness, has fun with us....a person that deserves a day to be celebrated.    

 CEDHA interns

Here are all six of CEDHA’s international interns celebrating friends day together with an asado.