Sarah Beason
East West Management Institute Program on Rights and Justice (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
Sarah is a 2009 graduate of Converse College in Spartanburg, SC with a triple major in Chinese, politics, and Spanish. She is a joint degree student at the College of William & Mary, pursuing a Master's in Public Policy and a law degree.
This summer, Sarah will be working in Phnom Penh with the East-West Management Institute's USAID-funded Program on Rights and Justice (PRAJ). PRAJ’s mission is to strengthen the rule of law and promote respect for human rights in Cambodia in cooperation with civil society and government so that its citizens can live in a transparent, just and peaceful society.
Learn more about the East-West Management Institute's Program on Rights and Justice at http://ewmi.org/CambodiaPRAJr.htm or http://www.ewmi-praj.org/usa_pro_backg.asp.