Public Participation

Today I turned in my final paper for work. The paper was a culmination of my entire summer work. I wrote about public participation in constitutional process. After the paper is edited and trimmed, it will be published on ConstitutionNet.


The tentative title of the paper right now is Why Public Participation is Still Important in Constitution Building Process. In the paper, I use three case recent case studies (Fiji, Egypt, and Nepal) to show how lack of public participation led to a failed constitutional process. I chose Egypt and Nepal because the recently underwent constitutional building processes that were coopted by political parties and failed. Fiji on the other hand has had a history of constitutional processes that have lacked public participation and have always resulted in coups. Fiji is now undergoing a new constitutional process and more public participation could change the outcome of the process.


I am going to have a paper published online by a respected Constitutional Building Processes organization. That is one of the best things to come out of this internship. The paper also reflects all the research and work that I completed this summer.