The Boot and I have arrived

I feel I should apologize to all those other would-be passengers of AA Flight 957 Miami-Santiago. I should have known that whatever luck streak caused me to fall down the stairs a week before finals, then get rear-ended by a pick-up truck on my way to an interview would also produce not one but two sets of mechanical failures on my flights to Argentina, resulting in a couple cancelled flights and delays.

But there was no way a sprained ankle, fractured back, or faulty navigation systems were going to keep me from fulfilling this dream. As long as I can remember I have wanted to visit Argentina, and although I am glad I ended up studying abroad in Spain and the experiences I have had as a result, this Argentina has continued to capture my imagination.

I don’t have much to report yet, having just arrived and not quite getting over the nearly 3-day journey. Tomorrow I will be apartment hunting and then meeting with some of the people from CEDHA for lunch, and I expect I will have more stories to tell after that.