What I've been working on...

Just a little update on what I’ve been doing with CEDHA since my last post.


We launched a new website, completely dedicated to fracking in LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) and around the world. I haven’t even thought about website design since a computer class back in high school, so this was an exciting challenge. Wordpress, thankfully, is pretty idiot proof. Most of the work involved looking at other similar types of sites, and figuring out what exactly we wanted to feature on ours. All in all it was pretty fun, and I think the site looks great. Now, most of my work centers of keeping it up to date. Google alerts have proved quite useful, although I don’t think my email inbox has seen this much action in a while. I’m also doing quite a bit of translating for the site, which is always a challenge.


I would say the majority of my time is spent scouring Argentina on Google maps, trying to locate potential fracking sites. This is about as much “fun” as it sounds, but I just try and keep in mind how useful it will be. I am also identifying schools, hospitals, rivers, aquifers, and the locations of indigenous communities around each site.


I also spend much of my time researching information and reports about fracking. We are trying to build a comprehensive “bibliography” about fracking for the site, and therefore I am attempting to amass and compile any information available.


I continue to work on editing the CEDHA fracking report. Fortunately, I have the help of a former CEDHA intern for much of the more technical and scientific concepts.