Ashley Johnson
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (The Hague, Netherlands)
Ashley Johnson graduated from Cornell in 2009 with a major in Government and a minor in International Relations. After graduation, she worked as COO/CFO of a small business in Texas before applying to William and Mary in 2012. Ashley is a joint degree student and will be graduating with a Masters in Public Policy in addition to a J.D. in 2016. She is pursuing a career which would allow her to work with governments and communities to create/reform laws and policies in order to promote human rights and economic development.
This summer, Ashley is working for the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) in The Hague, The Netherlands. IDEA is an intergovernmental organization that acts as a catalyst for democracy building by providing knowledge resources, policy proposals and supporting democratic reforms in response to specific national requests. It works together with policy makers, governments, UN organizations and agencies, and regional organizations engaged in the field of democracy building. Ashley will be researching country profiles and political drivers for the constitutional design process.