Mason Girard
East West Management Institute (Baku, Azerbaijan)
Mason Girard is a rising 3L at William & Mary with an interest in international trade. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Georgia College & State University where he studied political sciences and economics with an international concentration. Mason has also previously studied comparative governance in post-Soviet states in St. Petersburg Russia.
Mason will be working with the East-West Management Institute in Baku, Azerbaijan. The programs Socio-Economic Development Activity in Azerbaijan (SEDA) aims to contribute to the advancement of the socio-economic development at the regional level in Azerbaijan by providing support for community-driven socio-economic projects and strengthening stakeholder participation in setting priorities for socio-economic strategies and programs in the regions that SEDA targets and beyond. EWMI’s success is based on over 25 years of pragmatic field experience in over 30 countries.