Emily Gabor
Emily Gabor is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She majored in Economics and Political Science at the University of Wisconsin--Madison. Before coming to law school, she completed a three-month Global Health Fellowship in Accra, Ghana. Emily is a rising 3L at William & Mary Law School, and is interested in pursuing a career in public service, particularly with development work and human rights issues.
For her 2L summer, Emily will be working in Washington D.C. at the ABA Rule of Law Initiative. There, she will be directly involved in research and analysis projects related to rule of law reform in ABA ROLI's primary thematic areas: access to justice and human rights, anti-corruption and public integrity, criminal law reform and anti-human trafficking, judicial reform, legal education reform and civic education, legal profession reform, and women's rights. Examples of current projects include a status of women assessment and a commercial law assessment in Libya, designing training modules for prosecutors on homicides and domestic violence cases, assessments of the legal profession in Kyrgyzstan and Sri Lanka, and an anti-trafficking study in sub-Saharan Africa.