Bryony Harris
Bryony Harris is from Dallas, Texas. She went to school in San Antonio at Trinity University and studied International Business and Spanish. She grew up traveling and has always had an interest in foreign affairs, especially because of her dual citizenship with the United Kingdom. She also studied abroad in Madrid, Spain, and was able to live with a host family and experience working in a small corporate environment. She loves experiencing different cultures and learning about places with different customs. For these reasons, she wanted to participate in this internship program at the NCSC because she would be able to assist with project implementation in foreign countries and rule of law projects.
This summer, she will be working at the National Center for State Courts in the international program division in Arlington, VA. NCSC works with agencies in order to support judicial reform in various countries and promote access to justice. She will be working hands-on with some of the projects and helping develop projects in furtherance of this mission.