Chelsea Wilkins
Chelsea is from Newport News, VA, and graduated magna cum laude as an Honors Scholar from James Madison University, with a B.S. in Justice Studies and Biological Anthropology and with an Honors Area of Emphasis in Global Studies. So far, she has traveled to 12 countries and has always been interested in international affairs, but she found her passion for international work during her undergraduate career. During that time, she studied organized crime and the mafia in Italy, attended a conference on global peace and citizenship in Hiroshima, Japan, worked in an orphanage school in the Dominican Republic, and researched in South Africa for her Honors Thesis.
She will be working for the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands. She will be working in the Immediate Office of the Prosecutor, assisting the Office of the Prosecutor and Appeals Counsel in conducting legal/factual research, drafting memoranda on issues of international humanitarian law and international and comparative criminal law and procedure, finalizing appellate filings, and preparing for hearings before the Appeals Chamber. The Office of the Prosecutor prosecutes persons suspected of the planning, implementation and execution of the most serious violations of international humanitarian law that have occurred in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991.