Reeana Keenen

Reeana Keenen

International Bridges to Justice (IBJ)

Good Stories

If you're scared, that's how you know it'll be a good story.


One week left, and the office is starting to look a little lonely as our numbers dwindle.

Meditation & Matrices

After eight weeks in Geneva, I can safely say my experiences here—be they meditation or matrices—have changed me for the better.

Liberia Proposal

The Liberia proposal is due Monday, so we have all been working tirelessly to get it submitted on time.

How We Keep Going

This week, we met a man from the DRC, and he taught us so much.

Work Updates

These last few weeks have been busy, and I've been working on many different projects.

Castell and Catalan

From the moment I stepped out of the train station into the city, I knew I loved Barcelona.

Neighboring Up

Our diversity challenges us to embrace one another and to build communities of change.

Seeing The Bigger Picture

This week I hit some roadblocks with my research, but it helped me see the bigger picture of the work I'm doing.