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Ariana Cheng


Ariana Cheng is from Dayton, Ohio. She graduated magna cum laude in 2015 with a B.A. in International Studies from Cedarville University, with minors in French, Asian Studies, and Theology. During her time there, she went on a service trip to Hungary, where she taught English as a Second Language at a camp for youth from local orphanages. She subsequently studied abroad in Paris, France. Both experiences opened her eyes to socioeconomic problems related to Roma people and other third country nationals in Europe. Post-graduation, she worked at several different jobs before deciding to pursue law school, including a position as a warranty claims representative at a large eyewear company, and as a legal assistant at an estate planning and elder law firm in Tipp City, Ohio.

Ariana will spend the summer working at Vilnius Institute for Advanced Studies (VILIAS), an independent research group based in Vilnius, Lithuania, that seeks to further the social sciences and humanities through interdisciplinary dialogue and research. The Institute conducts research covering many fields such as law, criminology, sociology, and more; it seeks to address issues of politics, governance, and democracy not only within Lithuania, but also across the rest of Europe.