Week Six: Working Remotely

This week was not the norm, so my post is quite short. I was in the office on Monday and Tuesday, but I worked remotely (when I was available and had internet) on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Unfortunately, I had to fly a red-eye home to Michigan Tuesday night to attend a dear friend’s memorial service.  After 25 years years of friendship (from age 3 to 28), it was a very difficult loss to say the least. I appreciated the flexibility to work remotely and my co-workers support, which allowed me to set office responsibilities aside to spend some much-needed healing time with family and friends remembering the love and laughter my friend brought to the world. I miss him. 

Because so much of my work is email based and remotely accessible on the shared drive, I could keep an eye on my inbox. By the end of last week, I had a lot of emails out to various individuals whom I needed information from in order to continue working on tasks like booking travel, securing consultant contracts and client approval, consultant expense reports, subcontract invoice payments, compliance-related questions, and so on. With being out of the office the end of this week, and primarily focused on being present with friends and family, it will make for a very busy Monday.