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Shaun Goodfriend


Shaun Goodfriend grew up in New York City.  He obtained his B.A. from George Washington University with a degree in Political Science.  After graduating, Shaun worked as a paralegal at the US Department of Agriculture workining their regulations department.  At the USDA Shaun helped prepare attorneys for litigations regarding zoo's and animal cruelty.  After working in D.C  he moved back to New York City where he worked at Weitz & Luxenberg for two years in their environmental law department.  As Paralegal and Leads Coordinator Shaun helped start new mass tort litigations regarding land, water, and air pollution in communities around the country.  

This summer, Shaun will be working for International Bridges to Justice, a non-profit organization that helps ensure legal aid and defense in developing nations.  IBJ works to make sure that individuals have competent legal representation and a fair trial.  I will be providing legal research and assist in creating training materials to help people in some of IBJ's many international locations.