Week 7

This week I got to participate in the GC Office’s annual picnic. This summer has been a great time to be with USAID GC, especially because of the RLO conference I have already mentioned in past blogs. However, I have also been fortunate enough to be in the office during a transition period from one General Counsel to another. The General Counsel is an appointed position, and terms typically last two years. While at the picnic, the Office said goodbye to David Moore who also said a teary goodbye. He will go back to BYU Law School to take his post as a professor once again. In the few months I got to be around David I found out why he was so beloved by all of USAID and especially the GC staff. He was nothing but kind and supportive, and I consider it a privilege to have worked in the Office while he was still there.

 On a personal note, my family came down from Pennsylvania to visit D.C. and we had a great time. My little sister is 11 and my little brother is 14 and they had never been to D.C. before. On Friday we toured the monuments (as seen in the picture below). Saturday we toured three of the Smithsonian museums: American History, Natural History, and Air and Space. It was a great chance to show the kids around and I was thrilled that they were able to make the trip.

Family in DC