Week 4: International IP Law

This week I took a slight diversion from the world of internet law and spent my time researching how IBJ can project its intellectual property. There were a number of interesting jurisdictional issues to consider: when registering for trademarks, where do we want to be protected? Which countries are most cost-effective to file in? How does WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization, based here in Geneva) play in to all of these jurisdictional questions? I spent my week learning the answers.

As IBJ works to roll out a new digital initiative, it has become increasingly important for IBJ to protect its intellectual property rights. But as important as it is to protect these rights worldwide, I also came face to face with the reality of working for a non-profit -- often, there just isn't enough money. My task was further complicated, then, by having to decide not only how and where to register, but also how to most efficiently protect IBJ while not spending a fortune. Intellectual property registrations are not cheap. Still, it is important that IBJ protect this new digital project so that the project can remain freely accessible to those in need, and not become commercialized by someone trying to make money.

WIPO's international trademark filing system has added a unique edge to this project. Rather than filing multiple applications in multiple countries, WIPO has created a method that allows trademark applicants to file only one registration with their home country; WIPO then forwards that application to as many partner countries as the applicant wants. This streamlines the process, allowing IBJ to save time and money. Of course, the WIPO process is not without its own complications. As I prepare to file trademark applications in the coming weeks, I know much of my time will be spent trying to sort out the best and most efficient way to file through WIPO.

Although this work might seem tedious to some, I am thoroughly enjoying my dive into IP law. It is intricate and detailed -- exactly the kind of work I like. I can't wait to start in on the application and filing processes in the coming weeks!