Wrapping Up My Time With Democracy for Development

I write this blog post having successfully completed the second week of my 2L year. The transition back to Williamsburg was challenging, but it is wonderful to return to in person instruction and meet many of my classmates who for so long were thumbnails on a zoom call.

A little over a week ago I sent a finalized draft of my position paper to the Democracy for Development team where someone unfamiliar with it and not involved in the planning, research, or edits will give it a final read and make any last minute suggestions. Once the paper is finished I will create one final blog post with a link so that anyone who is interested can read it.

While I am sad about my time with D4D coming to an end, I am very grateful for the amazing opportunity. I was able to explore an area of personal interest, namely US foreign policy, while delving into fascinating issues of international law including the dissolution and formation states, the role of non-state actors in the post-conflict rebuilding process, and secession/independence movements. A lot of my research has even proven relevant to my coursework this semester. Finally, I owe a huge thank you to D4D for bringing me onto their team and offering this opportunity despite COVID-19 continuing to cause difficulties in Kosovo. 

I look forward to sharing the paper with you all soon.