
I am interning with the Regulatory & Scientific Affairs Division of American Chemistry Council (ACC) this summer. ACC is the leading trade association for the chemicals and plastics industry in the United States. ACC’s Regulatory & Scientific Affairs Division leads the development of ACC’s policy positions for industry, as well as much of our domestic advocacy on matters of interest to the industry, including process safety, product safety, rail and distribution, facilities security, and cybersecurity, environmental issues (air, waste, water regulation), environmental justice, and chemicals regulation.

I am very excited about this opportunity. Studying Economics in college, I had the chance to take a variety of economics and policy-related courses, and I found the interplay between law and economics interesting. Also, I’ve always wanted to work on international trade and legal issues. So, I believe that I will gain exposure to this field by working with my collogues.

ACC announced hybrid works plans for this summer. While Monday and Friday are virtual “work at home” days, I still have three days working in the office. Since my supervisor Ms. Karyn Schmidt had already well planned my summer working schedule, I got the chance to jump into a project on the first day. In the following days of the first week, I was invited to attend group meetings and listened to discussions from lawyers and scientists.

My work with ACC has been exciting and fun. Everyone is friendly and supportive, from HR to collogues of the tech group. I am learning something new every day. I enjoy my daily 8-hour in my little cubicle and am looking forward to the rest of the summer. In the following entries, I will discuss more the work I am doing with the team.