Week 10 at the ACC

On Wednesday, the American Chemistry Council arranged an “intern appreciation event” in which myself and three other interns were sent to a Washington National’s Baseball game. Besides the other William and Mary Law student and myself, there were two undergrad students who interned at a different ACC department in attendance. While it was exceptionally hot outside, it was nice to watch a live sports event in Washington, DC. One of the other interns offer is a rising college senior in the process of applying to law schools, so it was great to be able to answer some questions she had about law school and offer advice. On Sunday, I spent the day in Georgetown with two friends from William and Mary Law who are also DC-based for the summer. In the morning we worked in a coffee shop and in the afternoon we walked around the water.  As far as work tasks go, this week has involved teaching myself administrative law in order to understand the constitutional implications of a recent case involving the Clean Air Act. Some great news for my final weeks in DC is that the Fairfax metro station has finally reopened! This was great news for my personal life as I know had a more affordable means of going into the city on the weekends and evenings when the Virginia Railway Express stops running. One day I decided to try to metro to I learned that despite being far less convenient, it costs about the same to metro into the city from Fairfax as it does to take the Virginia Railway Express.