Week 2 at the ACC

Due to the Memorial Day holiday, my second week of work started on Tuesday. I dove into a new assignment on Tuesday involving the new Russia sanctions. Tuesday night, while still deep in my Russia project, another attorney at the ACC reached out for help on a proofreading assignment. As I already had a field trip scheduled for Wednesday, the proofreading would become my task for the rest of that day. My field trip took me to the PPG Training Center next to the Baltimore Airport. My supervisor wanted the interns (myself included) to act as "guinea pigs" for an OSHA training on Perchloroethylene related hazards in the auto industry. The experience was fascinating as I was able to see how regulations on chemicals are enforced and maintained in an everyday setting. After returning from my trip to Maryland, I revised the 37 pages of translated text and submitted my edits the next day.