Week 3 at the ACC

The third week of my internship consisted of a continuation of my ongoing research as I settled more into my new routine. As a follow up to the OSHA training I attended last week, I was given a new project involving the funding for OSHA trainings similar to the one I attended. A highlight of the week was virtually attending a CEI event on the Supreme Court's Long-Anticipated WOTUS Opinion following the outcome of Sackett v. EPA. This court case has major implications on water law and property law, so it was fascinating to see the potential consequences (both good and bad) explored during the webinar. On Thursday, I attended a webinar hosted by the Environmental Law Institute as part of their “Summer School” program for 2023. This session was titled “NEPA, ESA and the Fundamentals of Environmental Law.” My knowledge of NEPA (or the National Environmental Policy Act) is fairly limited so I appreciated the opportunity to hear experts discuss it in context of other facets of environmental law.