Week 7: A slowdown of activities

My work

Admittedly, I usually have lots to say in these blog posts, but this week has been much more calm than previous ones. After a busy couple of weeks, it is now the time to start collecting my thoughts and putting pen to paper (or really fingers to keyboard). Much of the week was spent organizing sources, getting cites, and going over verbal information such as interviews, conferences, and workshops, so they can all be used in some form by ODC. Since I had spent many of the last few weeks incorporating my work into smaller separated presentations, this organization task kept me busy all week. With only three weeks left, I was thankful to have a relatively structured week in the office.

My Travels

My time in Phnom Penh is slowly running out, and this was my last full weekend in the city. I have two other weekends left; however, I have made plans outside of the city for both of them. I was able to take some time to wander around my favorite spots and the local markets in the city. My bargaining skills have become quite good in the last two months here, and knowing a few phrases in Khmer always earns more respect and a lower price. 

The 7th national election is happening in Cambodia in just 2 weeks time. While the current sitting prime minister is running practically unopposed, that does not stop the activities in the city. I am constantly running into parades, events, and other venues dedicated to celebrating the election and the candidates. I will be very curious to see how the election plays out and the different atmospheres election season brings out of its capital city.