Week 4

I cannot believe I have been in Geneva for a month! Time is really flying by here and I know I won’t want to leave when my internship is over.

Work has been about the same as usual. We finished up writing the first draft of the proposal and it was sent to a reviewer for feedback. Since I worked on proposal development as a job before I went to law school, I am used to this chaos that is proposal writing sometimes, and am feeling right at home. I am also happy that my past experience is coming in handy and I can help IBJ win this project! I also have been helping with small projects for the writing of the biannual report, as well as continuing researching the Philippines judicial system to update the defense wiki page. The first few days back from Croatia were rough because I didn’t get much sleep that weekend, but thankfully IBJ is letting a few interns work from home each day since the office is so full, so I took advantage.

This weekend Geneva put on the Festive de Musique, which was a three day long festival throughout the city where dozens of different concert stages were put up and different genres of music played throughout the night! I went Friday night with a friend and it was so fun to be able to walk around the city, see the lights, and listen to so many different bands. On Sunday, I finally got to swim in Lake Geneva! The lake and river that runs through the city is so clean that people here usually spend their weekends sunbathing and jumping into the water to cool off. Over by our work there is the Bain de Paquis, which is this really long dock that goes into the middle of the lake. My friends and I went there to swim and there were diving boards, zip lines, rock climbing walls in the middle of the water, and a food and drink stand. The water is so clear you can see the bottom and so refreshing. It was great to have a nice relaxing weekend feeling like a local and I definitely need to go more often while I am here!

Overall, I am having a great time here in Geneva and am learning a lot as well!