Week 5

Hello from another week in Geneva! This week was pretty calm as I did not have any travel plans for the weekend. I am really feeling like Geneva is home now, I am not just a visitor anymore. A relaxing week is good too because I am traveling almost every weekend in July. At work we are still working hard on this proposal! We have an internal deadline to have it finished by friday, but that did not happen so we are having to work over the weekend and submit Monday. I don’t mind though because the commitment from the team I am working with both in Geneva and Turkey is admirable, and I am glad I can contribute to something so important.

Two more interns came, bringing the total up to 16 I believe? It is crowded but everybody gets along great and I am fortunate to have met some really great friends to spend my time with.

In my spare time I have been doing a lot of OCI cover letters sadly, but I have found time to hang out by the lake with friends. We found a cute bar on the river that sells aperol spritz’s for five francs! That is a crazy deal here in Geneva, where everything is so expensive. Over the weekend Jayli and I went to a few flea markets happening around town and I bought a beautiful painting for only five francs too! I have no idea how I am going to get it home without ruining it, but when a painting is 5 franc you can’t say no….

I am excited to submit this proposal so next week I can focus on something new. The office is having a fourth of july party too on Tuesday (perks of having an American CEO haha) so I am excited to hangout with the office outside of work… until next week!