Week Two: A Trip to Gruyères

Hello everyone!
Friends in Gruyeres
As I’ve officially been in Geneva now for two weeks, I’ve started to feel like a veteran of the city and of IBJ. Each week, IBJ has welcomed several new interns, and, this week, my fellow W&M Law friend, Laura, entered the fray. The work at IBJ continues to be incredibly fulfilling and exciting, and I’ve loved getting to know the other interns and connect with people who are all passionate about international law and human rights.



Swan on Lake Geneva Week 2This week at IBJ, I had the opportunity to start on a couple of very exciting projects. First, a rather funny opportunity for grant funding came up – a lululemon grant! Yes, the same lululemon as the yoga-centric clothing brand. It’s been amazing to see how many opportunities there are for funding for NGOs, and I have definitely gained a new appreciation for the work that goes into securing financing for NGOs like IBJ to provide pro bono legal work around the world. The second exciting project that I got to dive into is an opportunity we received to begin a new country program in Armenia. IBJ doesn’t currently operate in Armenia, so I have spent the week learning about Armenia’s criminal justice system and how IBJ might build a program in the country. We’re hoping to connect with local justice sector stakeholders and existing legal and human rights organizations in the area, so, after learning more about Armenia’s detention centers and unique needs in criminal defense work, I began reaching out to local police captains, the Ministry of Justice, and other legal groups. Hopefully we’ll get to connect with these groups in the near future to begin crafting a strong project proposal for the funding opportunity!

Entry in Old Town Geneva
Outside of work, I spent this week exploring Geneva and more of Switzerland with the other IBJ interns! On Monday, I explored Old Town Geneva with Laura and another intern from the states and had an amazing time. Old Town is around a 15-20 minute walk from IBJ’s headquarters, and the area is incredibly beautiful. We visited L'Ancien Arsenal, an open-air museum that was originally built in 1405. At the Arsenal, there are three beautiful mosaics that decorate the wall and depict the arrival of Caesar in Geneva in 58 B.C. We also saw St. Peter’s Cathedral, the adopted home of John Calvin in Geneva, where Calvinism was originally founded.



Pages and Sips
Later in the week, the IBJ interns ventured back to Old Town Geneva to do a half-day remote workday at Pages and Sips, an adorable bookshop and cafe in the heart of historic Geneva. The bookshop has fantastic workspaces and some of the best coffee I’ve had since arriving in Switzerland. Later in the evening, we went to a meet up organized by the Geneva Interns Association (GIA). GIA organizes events for all of the interns in Geneva during the summer months, and we get discounts on food and drinks at GIA events whenever they’re held! It was a fun way to meet other interns who are working everywhere from the UN to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. We’ve become pros at getting around on Geneva’s fantastic public transportation this week, and I continue to be amazed by the walkability of Geneva as a whole.

Vineyard over Lake Geneva
Our adventures weren’t limited to Geneva this week, however. On Sunday, three of us decided to take and train to explore a new part of Switzerland – Gruyères! Gruyères is the birthplace of Gruyère cheese and is described as one of the most beautiful cities in Switzerland – it did not disappoint. The village in Gruyères was adorable, and, just a short walk away, sat the Château de Gruyères. The castle was originally built in 1270, and the history it holds is incredible. In the nineteenth century, the castle was sold to a family that established an artist colony in the castle. Each room of the castle had absolutely incredible artwork painted directly onto the walls, ceilings, and sometimes furniture. Between the views of the alps just behind the castle, the gorgeous rose garden protected within the castle’s fortifications, and the incredibly unique and special artwork painted onto the very doors of the castle, Château de Gruyères was a beautiful piece of history to explore. We finished our weekend with a trip to a chocolatier in Gruyères and a lovely train ride back to Geneva. I'll post some photos from Gruyères below!

Gruyeres Castle  Horse Painting at Gruyeres Castle  Gruyeres Castle Garden


Paintings on Walls in Gruyeres Castle  Gruyeres Gates  Gruyeres Dining Hall


Gruyeres Alps  View from Gruyeres  Nature Paintings Gruyeres Castle

I’m so excited to see what the next week has in store, and I will keep you all updated on the new work and adventures we have at IBJ :)
