Return to Arlington!

This summer, I have the privilege of interning for the National Center for State Courts' (NCSC) International Program Group (IPG) in Arlington, VA.  Throughout the summer I will be assisting the IPG to implement their rule of law projects internationally.  I first became interested in potentially interning for the NCSC when I attended the "Judicial Independence in Transition" presentation jointly hosted by the NCSC in August, 2023. 

This summer's story cannot begin without first mentioning my older brother, Myles Harris Alderman III, who on May 20th earned his PhD in genetics from Yale University.  Attending his graduation made for a day to remember, and I am immensely proud of all the work he has done to attain this achievement. After spending a few days with my family in Connecticut, I returned to Virginia to start my internship with the NCSC on May 24th. 

I lived in Arlington for about a year prior to attending law school (and lived in the  broader DC area for about four years), so I am already familiar with the region and am thrilled to be back.

During my first week at the NCSC I was introduced to many of the people with whom I will be working throughout the summer; everyone in the office is kind and is devoted to promoting the rule of law.  This includes the other legal intern from William & Mary, the rising 2L Sarah Conley!  With Rachel Morley ('21) and Evan Frauhiger ('18) in the IPG, William & Mary Law School is very well represented.  I was also able to meet some of the NCSC program staff in Bosnia (virtually). 

Tim Hughes, the Senior Legal Council and Director of Programs, acts as the director of the summer legal internship program, and provided me with my first set of assignments. These include working on an explanatory presentation of the American Constitution and legal system for foreign delegations, research into the budgets of Central American judiciaries, revising NCSC policies and procedures, and crafting documents for federal contract/award procurement.  

I am excited to assist the NCSC's domestic and international staff this summer in furthering their mission of upholding the international rule of law! Be sure to check back here weekly for more updates.