Week 2

My second week at the NCSC is one I won't soon forget! 

Monday was a day of multiple firsts for me: in the morning, I had the honor of meeting Justice Tsogt Tsend, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Mongolia.  This was my first time ever meeting a supreme court justice (from any nation); as someone with a great interest in international relations and comparative law, I found this to be a particularly exciting introduction! 

To make the day even more exciting, me and the other NCSC interns were invited to tour the U.S. Supreme Court building, a place where I had never been before.  I love the feeling of knowing you are in a place where so much history has been made; it reminded me of my days as an intern in Congress.  And like the Capitol Building, the U.S. Supreme Court building is an architectural masterpiece.  While being physically smaller than the Capitol, it manages to give off an even more imposing air.  The library might be one of the most beautiful spaces I have ever seen (W&M's Wolf Law Library is fantastic, but this was something truly unique).  To cap off the day at the Supreme Court, we (along with the other members of the Supreme Court Historical Society) were shown the debut of the filming of last year's one-actor play about the life of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.  While I had read the Justice's work, I was not as familiar with the compelling story of his life.

During my second week, I met the NCSC team in Tunisia, with whom I will be working on a Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition training program, due to my experience as a member of the W&M Law International Competition Team. I also began work on a rule-of-law research assignment focused on Latin America, and prepared documents in support of NCSC programs in Moldova.

I had a great second week at the NCSC, and am looking forward to the next!