Week 1

My first week in Cape Town has been filled with new experiences and lessons.

I had the opportunity to meet the rest of the team, a wonderful mix of people and talents, including interns from all over the globe and Candidate Attorneys.

The LRC focuses on post-apartheid advocacy across multiple sectors, such as land reform, education, and immigration. In carrying out this unique mission, we work directly with clients to provide legal services at no cost.

I chose to participate in this internship because I care deeply about post-colonial reform on the African continent. As an Igbo-Nigerian, I have firsthand experience living in Africa and understanding the challenges faced by a society striving for positive change in a post-colonial context. This internship represents a unique chance to delve into public interest work centered around African peoples and experiences. As a student whose primary education has been in the Western hemisphere, it is necessary to be aware of differences in perspective and how they shape our worldview. Thus far, Cape Town has been a truly enlightening experience.

Above all, my goal here is to learn as much as I can. Also, I aim to engage with the cultures and languages that are prevalent here, such as Xhosa and Zulu.