Week Six: The DC Trip

Last week was a slower week for me, but not for the other members of ROLC. Everyone else was preparing for a trip to DC, where they would be giving a training simulation (much like the simulations we take part of in school) and a presentation to the State Department. While I am not yet currently at liberty to disclose the details of the project, I will say it was really fascinating and exciting to have at least some small part in putting it together, from researching some last minute details to helping prepare presentation materials.

On that note, it was interesting to see more of the "non-lawyerly" aspects of this field. Preparing materials for a simulation does not feel inherently "lawyerly," yet I knew that the simulation would be used to help train others in understanding international legal issues and the realities of working in certain legal systems. I was honored to be a part of it in some small way, and am looking forward to seeing more of these kinds of simulations appear in the future.