Week Two: The In-Person Meeting

Last week started off with a bang as, for the first time, everyone working at the ROLC was in Columbia in-person for two days for an in-person staff meeting. Most staff meetings are done remotely, but this meeting was one of the few hosted in-person, and went on for multiple days. Additionally, since at least half of the people working at the ROLC are remote workers, I'm not able to talk with them casually most of the time. It was nice to be able to talk to everyone in person and "officially" meet my coworkers. After the Monday meeting, the team went out to eat at a nearby Indian resturaunt, and I was able to meet some of my coworkers' families.

Of course, this meeting was not just for fun. Everyone was here to discuss future programs, project strategy for multiple other ongoing projects, and other plans for the next year. While I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail, all of these projects were entirely created for the use of others in the legal/public sector. It was interesting to learn more about how these programs would be used in the wider scope of things.

After the meeting, the week progressed on normally. While I was working more on last week's materials, I also took on researching the specialized courts of ASEAN countries. Through this, I got to learn more about the court structure of these countries and the ways specialized courts can be made.