Week 1 - Getting Started!

My name is Emily, and I’ll be interning at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) this summer! USIP is an organization that focuses on promoting international peace-building operations and conflict resolution efforts. My undergraduate studies focused on foreign policy and policy processes, and, given my own family’s history with displacement and civil war, I’ve always had an interest in international conflict prevention and resolution. I have the pleasure of working with the Atrocity Prevention team as a Visiting Scholar, and I’m excited to get to work.

I just got back from a two week trip from out of the country, and, the day after coming home, I decided to start work (which was certainly a choice). Despite a relatively tiring first few days, I’m happy to get a routine started.

As a NoVA native, I absolutely refuse to drive into DC during rush hour, so I’ve elected to take public transportation from Broad Run into Foggy Bottom. Unfortunately, my stubborn refusal to sit in traffic means that my commute takes two and a half hours (which actually goes by much faster than I thought it would). I lived in DC for four years to attend school, and I’m excited to be back for a few weeks. The area around the office is quiet, and the USIP building is gorgeous.

Although it’s only my first week, I’ve had the opportunity to get started on some background research into the ongoing conflict in Sudan. Over the last year, Sudan has seen the rapid spread of warfare and violence as a result of fighting between the SAF and RSF. The conflict has had significant implications for civilians, who have found themselves victims of ethnically-targeted and gender-based attacks. I’m looking to continue my research into the conflict next week, and I’ll be meeting with my team to discuss a new project that they're working on.

If any students are interested in interning at USIP, or if you have any questions about law school, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at efbekele@wm.edu. I'm happy to chat and answer any questions you may have. I'll be back to update you all next week!