Week Two

By the end of my second week at NCSC, three other interns had joined me in our office. With new faces in the office, new responsibilities began to stack up as NCSC now had a team of interns to assign work to. It was a short week thanks to Monday’s holiday, so our week became extra busy as we juggled new assignments, attended orientation, and prepared for our supervisors to leave the office for two weeks as they are off to attend a conference in Bari, Italy.

Thursday’s orientation consisted of a deep dive into NCSC’s mission on an international level, and what the organization’s role in upholding the rule of law entails. After a week and a half at the organization, Thursday’s orientation was a nice mix of information my supervisor had already told me about the internship combined with a more “big picture” description of NCSC’s International Program Group. On Friday, we had our first of many “Learning Sessions” aimed at increasing the interns’ understanding of rule of law concepts. This week’s learning session was focused on concentric justice - a concept focused on the interconnectedness of various stakeholders in the justice process. 

We closed the week off with a trip to the restaurant next door to the Arlington office where we socialized before saying goodbye to our boss before his trip to Italy. Immediately after this happy hour outing, I was off to Richmond for a vacation of my own to celebrate my birthday with friends old and new.