Week Six

The work week began with a lengthy and informative meeting with our Moldova team in which I was tasked with Bluebooking the Legal Research & Writing Curriculum that NCSC has developed for Moldovan law schools. I am now simultaneously working on three large, intertwined Moldova projects: Bluebooking the curriculum, editing mentorship guides for the curriculum, and writing a memo that explores any potential copyright risk associated with the curriculum. Last summer I conducted an in-depth memo on fair use for a proposed logo for a regulatory project at the American Chemistry Council, and this prior experience is proving to be helpful on this task. Here, NCSC wrote a Legal Research & Writing Curriculum using resources given to us by law schools including Georgetown and William & Mary. A problem lies in the reproduction of copyrighted material that is found in the curriculum, and I must explore fair use law to see if the education fair use exemption applies here. 

This was my last week working with our fellow intern from American University, as he is off to Switzerland for a month through a program at his law school. We have all loved getting to know Tim and it will certainly be strange to go from working with two other law students than just one. While we usually work remote on Fridays, our boss had us come in Friday morning to incorporate a "bonus" learning session on the USAID interpretation of the rule of law before Tim's departure. This session was interrupted by an hour of fire alarm testing, but it felt like a fun way to end the week. 

This weekend I crossed three places off of my DC Bucket List: (1) Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, (2) The National Arboretum, and (3) the Katzen Arts Center at American University. Despite the heat, I had a lovely time exploring the water lilies and lotus flowers at the garden and the banzai museum at the National Arboretum on Saturday. Saturday evening I attended a cookout of other rising 3Ls at William & Mary and really enjoyed getting to catch up with a large group of law school friends. On Sunday I visited the Katzen Arts Center and was blown away by their Dickson Carroll Retrospective. DIckson Carroll's colorful wooden sculptures were impressive in their structure and creativity, and I am excited to have learned about an artist I had previously never heard of. 
